The full Design Team met on Thursday 6 March and it was great to have everyone together, talking about The Gateway Project with excitement. Thank you for your prayers that we’d have a great meeting - your prayers were answered!
New section on website
We’re trying to make it a little easier to find the latest project news so have added a ‘Latest News’ section to the website. There you will find all the video announcements for The Gateway Project, along with a section for Newsletters.
Have you seen the February Newsletter yet? We’d love to hear your thoughts - send them to
December Project Update
I have recorded a video project update for December, which you can find via The Gateway Project playlist on St Mungo’s YouTube chanel. I hope you enjoy the update and I look foward to providing further updates early next year.
Photograph of Woodcroft field with green grass in foreground, trees and house in background and blue sky.
Client Brief workshops
Back in September we appointed Page\Park architects and together we’re making progress in agreeing the Client Brief, a document detailing St Mungo’s vision for a new building. Client Brief workshops took place in late October and over 120 church family members were involved, each helping to shape a building that truly reflects St Mungo’s hopes for the future. The word cloud below shows some of the responses from those who attended the Client Brief workshops when asked “How do you want the new building to feel?”.
Word cloud art with various words in navy blue, green and purple text. Words are various sizes and largest text says ‘welcoming’ and ‘with God’. Some other words include ‘safe’, ‘holy’, ‘warm’, and ‘accessible’.
Covering The Gateway Project in prayer
The Gateway Project is an opportunity for our church to grow and flourish. In early October, over 60 people attended the project’s first corporate prayer meeting and it was an exciting time of prayer, listening and hearing from God. The Project Team continues to receive words and pictures from people as they have fasted and prayed, such an encouragement to everyone involved in moving the project forward. Our next corporate prayer event for The Gateway Project is Monday 3rd February so save the date.
Photograph of the inside of St Mungo’s church building. Small groups of people are seated in circles, heads bowed in prayer.
Building project webpages are live!
On Sunday 22nd September the building project pages will go live! This is another exciting step for the Project Team and I hope that you will come back and read the monthly updates that Eric will provide on this blog!