Resources and ideas on how to read your Bible

When it comes to reading the Bible it can be hard to know where to start. Here is a list of resources and ideas of how you can start, continue, or go deeper in your own Bible reading.

Top recommendations

Why Trust the Bible - Amy Orr-Ewing:

Amy, in my opinion, is one of the best Theologians – either past or present. She is at the very forefront of her field in apologetics, and her writing and teaching is not only rich in revelation but also easily accessible. Amy has a revised version of this book out, and I would also strongly encourage you pay the extra and get this revised version. I think it should be a staple in every Christian’s home.


Storylines - Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft:

Mike and Andy lead Soul Survivor church in Watford and up until a couple of years back led the summer festival of the same name. This book is a really easy read but is jam-packed with great insight and if you’ve never taken time, or even known, that there are some storylines which run as golden threads through the Bible - this is a brilliant book to start that adventure. It looks at how the storylines of Jesus, Covenant, Presence, Kingdom, Salvation and Worship run through the whole Bible and then provide a paperchase to allow you to read and discover them for yourself.


The Bible Project:

Tim Mackis and Jon Collins are the founders of the project, and the aim is to produce free resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. They have a website, an app and a YouTube channel with loads of excellent videos, Bible studies and small group material – if you’re wondering where to start when thinking about the Bible then these guys have everything you need to take a step.

Ideas on How to read the Bible:

Bible Notes - 30 Days by Nicky Gumbel

With a friend - Uncover 1:1 series

Verse-by-verse studies - ‘For Everyone series’ by Tom Wright

Character Studies - Lifelines by Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft

Themes - The Name by Stuart Bell

Meditation - Pick a Psalm or verse and read through placing emphasis on a different word each time.

Technology - YouVersion Bible
