Counselling Diploma Course

For past 20 years Vital connexions, under the leadership of Andrea Wigglesworth, has run a Diploma in counselling with a Christian perspective – it is a unique course in that it leads to an Accredited Professional qualification as a counsellor whilst also having a Christian perspective and Biblical focus. Hundreds of Christian counsellors have been trained in this over the years and it is the course that the vast majority of our Wellness Centre counsellors have done.

From next September 2023, Lynn Millar will be taking on the role of Course Director of this diploma. Andrea has been encouraging Lynn to do so and will also remain in the background as a support. Lynn will be collaborating with Laura Wylie, who will be another Course Director of the same course in N Ireland and both will be developing a new team of core tutors.

Lynn will stay in her role as Director of Counselling in the Wellness Centre, but to allow time for the new role will be reducing her hours and passing some responsibilities onto Siobhan Short, who is currently our Wellness Centre manager. She will move into a Clinical Manager role.

It is hugely important for the longevity of the Wellness Centre that we have more Christian counsellors being trained up and so it would be wonderful if any of you would be interested in training to become a counsellor. If you want more information about the diploma check out the video below or the VItal Pathways website. This will give you information about it and how to apply.

If you are interested, you have to do a Certificate in counselling course prior to joining the course. One of these will be run by Andrea Wigglesworth in the first part of the new year - see flyer below.