Friday Night Youth Easter Special

Not long after the first lockdown started, the Friday night youth team appeared on zoom offering an online space to connect, have fun and be together. Since then, we have run every week (except during the school holidays), offering that same space for all our S1-S6 young people. 

As part of our programme, we have continued to offer termly zoom specials, these have included a virtual movie night, pizza making, an escape room, biscuit making - and with Easter approaching we thought we'd try our hand at Easter Egg making, together, live! What could possibly go wrong?! 

We would love it if your son or daughter joined us for this event.

To ensure full enjoyment, the ingredients, equipment lists, and instructions for easter egg making can be obtained from Sarah Tomb (see email contact below). 

However, the most important bit of equipment is a medium sized (approx 10/11cm long) easter egg mould - you'll need two bits for both parts of the easter egg (most suppliers sell the two together but just in case, always best to check). If you don't already have egg moulds, then a quick google search will reveal some sellers, or feel free to contact Sarah for a link.   

Do let me know if your son/daughter is joining us then we can send you more details about the night! 

If you don't have our usual zoom code, again, drop Sarah an email and she'll send it to you. 

Looking forward to chocolate fun with your teens! 

Blessings, The Friday Night Youth Team
