Holy Week Devotions

Throughout history Christian pilgrims have retraced Jesus’ final steps through the streets of Jerusalem and onto the hill where he was crucified. As a way of making this pilgrimage accessible to all believers, these early pilgrims created ‘The Stations of the Cross’, localised places of meditation and reflection for believers to pause and reflect upon the journey Jesus took in those final moments. To create an opportunity not to rush to the resurrection, but be present in the passion narrative. To do what Jesus asked his closest friends to do on the night he was arrested; to stay here with Him, to keep watch and to pray.

This year, we want to invite you to come and stay a while with Jesus. To take some time each day this Holy week to be present with Jesus in his suffering.

There are 12 stations for us to journey through this week and we want to invite you on your own personal pilgrimage to the cross.

There are 2 ways to use this series of reflections:

As a daily devotion.

Take 10 minutes twice a day to pilgrimage through the stations over Holy Week. We recommend reading through one in the morning and one in the evening.

As a walking pilgrimage.

Download the images and then plan a 30-40 minute walk. As you walk, listen to the audio track which will take you through all 12 stations. Each time you are invited to ‘Cease’ find a suitable place to stop walking and engage with the images, reflections and prayers.

We want to take a moment to say thank you to our team of writers, who will remain anonymous as a means of allowing them to write with vulnerability, freedom and honesty. This wouldn’t have been possible were it not for you.

If you find this resource helpful, why not encourage others to give it a go too.

Download the devotion pack and audio files below.

Holy Week: All 12 Stations
Holy Week Part 1: Stations 1 -6
Holy Week Part 2: Stations 7 - 12