Notice re AGM Sunday 24th January

The Annual General Meeting for St Mungo’s Church members will take place online – using Zoom - at 12pm (noon) on Sunday 24 January.


The AGM will cover the usual formal business which includes affirming the reappointment of McLachlan + Tiffin as our Auditor,  Alison Wilson as the People’s Warden, Steve Denning as the Lay Rep to the Diocese and Francis Cummings as the Alternate Lay Rep. Voting members will also be invited to affirm the appointment of two new Vestry Members: Lisa Fawcett and Rik Smith. Background information on Lisa and Rik was included in the email sent to church members on Thursday 7 January.


After we finish the formal business of the AGM, Ollie is going to share some important news on how his new leadership and staffing structure is taking shape. 


Church Members should continue to keep an eye on email for further information nearer the time.
