Staff Recruitment Update

In January, as part of my transition into leading the church, I shared changes to the staff leadership team and some staffing positions that were being created and existing positions to be filled.

Then in March we embarked on a recruitment process for 3 roles – Associate Rector; Worship Pastor & Youth Worker. We are delighted that we have filled the position of Worship Pastor in early June and will be welcoming Fiona Crow to the staff team in mid-August (and hopefully you will hear more from her in the summer!). Whilst the Associate Rector & Youth Worker had the same application closing date, we were unable to fill those roles at that time and, therefore, extended the closing date to 14 June.

Fiona Crow

Fiona Crow


Having passed that deadline, we now want to update you with the latest news on both of these roles:

  1. Associate Rector – we have not yet found a suitable candidate for this position, however, all vacancy adverts remain open for the foreseeable future. I will endeavour to keep searching over the summer and making contact with other Churches and Clergy in the UK. Please do continue to pray for the right person to become available to join the senior team.

  2. Youth Worker – having received a number of applications, interviews for this role will be taking place on 15 & 16 July and we hope to provide a further update later in July. Please do pray for the interview process to go well, for the candidates as they prepare and present and for God's clarity on the next steps.

Thank you for your continued support, encouragement and grace as myself and the staff team continue to adjust to leadership change and learning to work together in a new way.

God bless
