The Company of Men

Connect – Relate - Support

We are delighted to let you know about the first meeting of the Company of Men on Thursday 12 May 7.30-9.30pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno.

It will be a great opportunity to catch up with each other, to meet folk you might not have talked to before and also to hear more about the vision for the group going forward. We’ll be sharing our thoughts on how we can develop connection and support for each other and also on opportunities to be outward looking in some of the events we organise in the future. The evening is open to every guy aged over 18 and who is a member of the St Mungo’s Balerno congregation – but numbers are limited so please book your place as soon as you can.

As it is the first men’s event for quite sometime we want to bless you, on this occasion, by providing pizza and soft drinks. Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements. We are happy to provide everything for free but if you want to make a small cash donation there will be a donation box available on the night.

We want God to be at the centre of all that we do and we are very excited to see how He leads us on. Should be a great evening and we are really looking forward to seeing you then.

God bless

Adrian Smith and the Company of Men team
