Think ahead……the 31st October is coming!

It’s not long until the 31st October. 

Halloween is a time that evokes a spectrum of opinion and this is true within St Mungo’s. Whether as a family you join in with the fun, hide in a back room with your front door locked, or, more likely, somewhere in between, we would urge you to think ahead and be prepared. As parents, make a decision and be confident on why you have made that decision so that you are ready with answers. 

Rachel Turner from Parenting for Faith says: ‘When it comes to Halloween, I find that the apostle Paul is really helpful in Romans 14 on how to find a way forward in the pursuit of the “right” answer.  Whilst the early church agreed on many things to avoid, such as injustice, rage, sexual immorality, etc., there appeared to be other areas that they disagreed on.  In addressing these issues, Paul encouraged that whatever we personally decide on these “disputable” matters, we are accountable to God for our choice.  So, in topics of debate, Paul urged his readers decide on what they felt was the right decision, be fully convinced in their heart, and then go for it.  He also encouraged them to know that their approach may look different than other Christians around, because other people’s internal sense of what would be sin for them in this area may be different.’

Here are some suggestions for you as you pray and think about your own family:

Handling those tricky ‘Why?’ questions

Don’t get caught on the hop feeling unsure how to answer questions from children about Hallowe’en. Why not take the time to read about some questions other children have asked? Anything from understanding the origins of Hallowe’en to questions about evil or what God is like:

Plan family time on the 31st October

Think ahead about how you could spend time together as a family. There’ll be a worship service in the evening at Heriot Watt that day. Why not plan to go together? Or plan another special activity together – a favourite meal? a family movie? connect with another family to play games together?

Or take time to carve a pumpkin together. What design would you carve into it? Use it as an opportunity to chat and explore contrasts between good and evil.

If you are looking for faith-filled alternative resources for 4-10 year olds (crafts, a story and other ideas), check out

Use this as an opportunity to grow faith in our families

Parenting for Faith have some excellent articles and short videos which give helpful ideas and conversation starters with our children

Or choose some Bible passages that describe Jesus or us as light in the world. How about John 8:12, 1 Thess 5:5 or Eph 5:8. 

Talk together - what do the verses mean?  How can we be light in the world?

And if you don’t have younger children in your home, pray for our church households that do! Pray for wisdom and creativity for our parents and for Jesus to be at the centre of some great conversations and family times.


                     Caitlin Boddy, Andrea Brewster & Caroline Simpson
