Soul Survivor Scotland

Soul Survivor Scotland

Soul Survivor Scotland (20-25 July 2019)

Five days spent camping with over a thousand teenagers, far fewer showers, and a good spot of rain sounds like most people’s worst nightmare, and yet Soul Survivor has been one of the greatest experiences of my life, not just because of the crêpes and the hot chocolate mountains, but because of the amazing way that God came to meet us and strengthen our faith in Him.


The Turning

The Turning

Last year St Mungo’s took part in the Turning Scotland here in Edinburgh.  The Turning’s vision is to see every believer across Scotland equipped to share the Gospel and trained to disciple those who respond.  Over 20 churches were involved, and at the end of the 8 days outreach, with a total of only 1 hour per day on the street, we saw 852 respond to the Gospel in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh.


Family Fun Day 2019

Family Fun Day 2019

The weather might have been damp and grey but, once again, our Family Fun Day was full of life, laughter and colour! The rain stopped long enough to allow all outdoor activities to happen and there was plenty of time for grown-ups to chat while the children bounced, played, crafted and ran around
