Due to the ever growing size of the St Mungo’s Youth, this year saw us run separate camps for our young people with the latest camp happening at the beginning of this month for the S1-S3s.
Easter Events
28 March: Maundy Thursday
8-9pm Communion Service // Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno
29 March: Good Friday
2-4pm Family Activities Drop-In // Church Building, Ladycroft
Join us for crafts and other interactive activities as we invite you to explore together the events surrounding the first Easter and what that means for us today.
7:30-9pm Stations of the Cross Personal Reflections // Church Building, Ladycroft
We will have a series of etchings of the Stations of the Cross by artist Peter Howson with accompanying devotions, prayers and readings for self-guided private reflections.
30 March: Easter Saturday
7:30 - 9:30pm Spirit Cafe // Drop-in // Ministry Centre, 46b Bavelaw Road, Balerno
31 March: Easter Sunday
8:45am Traditional Liturgical Communion Service // Church Building, Ladycroft
10:30am Easter Family Celebration // Balerno High School
Join us for an hour long celebration service as we gather together as a multi-generational church family to remember Jesus resurrection
7:30pm Origin: Resurrection Event // Usher Hall // Tickets required in advance
Church Family Ceilidh
Report from Youth Weekend
For those of you new to the church, you may not know about ‘Pioneers’, our Sunday morning group in Balerno for adults with additional needs. We meet alternate Sundays in one of the classroom areas. You may have seen us come and join in during the worship time and use the flags and banners.
Some people find that the format of the main service doesn’t suit them, and we aim to provide interactive bible teaching and prayer activities in a multi-sensory way.
The vision of Pioneers is not about creating an alternative to what the main church is doing. It is about recognising that we are all precious to God and that we all belong – every part of the body needs the other to grow and thrive and be a family.
If you have family, friends, or neighbours who you think might be interested to come along to Pioneers and get to know Jeus better, then please email jane.owens@stmungos.org to find out more.
Pray for Youth Weekend
Deeper Serving [S4-S6]
Money Coaching Course [CAP]
This is St Mungo's Course
This is St Mungo’s is a four-week course designed to help those who have started attending one of our St Mungo’s services regularly and who are wanting to become more involved and are especially thinking about joining a House Group. Our House Groups meet in lots of geographic locations with people in the Livingston and Balerno congregations in groups with people from their church service location.
The course will help you to find out more about:
Who St Mungo’s is and what it means to be a member
What we believe
What our vision and the core values behind our culture are
Each session will give you a taste of what a House Group meeting is like, and you’ll experience our core values in action. There will be tea and coffee (and cakes!), a time of worship and prayer, some teaching and a chance to ask any questions. The evening will start at 7:45pm and be finished by 9:30pm. It will be held at the Ministry Centre in Balerno.
The course runs for four evenings in total, and the dates are:
Tuesday 12th of September
Tuesday 26th of September
Tuesday 10th of October
Tuesday 24th of October
The course is also an opportunity for you to get to know us a bit more and to ask any questions you might have.
If you would like to attend the course, then please email Andrea at andrea.brewster@stmungos.org
Magnitude Feedback
Magnitude was a fantastic five days for the youth, team and volunteers who attended. Mungo’s had 31 youth attend for the five days, with seven others visiting for the day throughout the week. Plus a number of adults who were there as youth team, catering or serving as part of the SU Magnitude team throughout the week.
Summer Evening Service Schedule
Love West Lothian
Love West Lothian | 4 June-11 June
St Mungo’s is excited to be joining with other churches across West Lothian for a week of service and outreach as we look to Be Love to our communities. We’d love for you to be involved in this as we reach out in Livingston. There are several ways you can get involved.
Communion and Soaking
Easter Events
St Mungo’s Prayer Cells
Prayer is such a key part of the life of a disciple of Jesus as it helps us to become more like Him, who prayed with others, for others and on his own. Prayer reminds us of God’s heart for His world and reveals the wisdom of God helping us to pray in His will. Prayer is therefore key for us as individuals and as a church family and is why we have prayer cells.