Staff News

 I want to take a moment to let you know that Andrew Quinn is going to be stepping down from his staff role as Operations Co-Ordinator at Easter.

Over the last six years Andrew Quinn has served St Mungo’s Church with his great skill and care as our Operations Co-ordinator.  Andrew’s attention to detail, technical knowledge, and ability to train up our volunteer teams has been a huge blessing to us as a church family both in Balerno and Livingston.  We have also been blessed by Andrew’s ministry gift of teaching and many of us have also benefitted from his Life Language coaching.

During the lockdown Andrew helped us to transition to online services and then continued leading multiple teams to make these service better and better each week, with the carol service being a particular highlight. During this time, he also led the worship team and his relational leadership helped to keep the team connected, included and encouraged through this time.  


As a church we are indebted to all Andrew has done and continues to do but he believes that the time is right for him to step down from his paid role and step back into being part of the congregation and, after a significant and well deserved rest, a volunteer on the teams he has cared for so well. 


We are so grateful for all Andrew has done, and are excited to see all God has for Andrew in the future.

Andrew, thank you.  


The senior team and myself have been looking strategically at what we need as an organisation as we transition into the next season and would appreciate your prayers as we think all of that through. As always, we’ll keep you as up to date as we can. 

