Suggestions for how to support Ukraine's Refugees

As we continue to watch news reports of the conflict in Ukraine, as well as praying for the situation we are also challenged to respond financially and practically. It can be hard to know how to do this and know which organisations are presently able to offer help and resources directly into the hands of refugees. Below are some of the organisations we can recommend supporting and giving to financially or offering practical help:


  • Tearfund: are one of our mission partners and are working in conjunction with the Disasters Emergency Committee [DEC] who bring together 15 of the leading UK aid agencies to raise funds quickly and efficiently at times of crisis overseas [].

  • OM: are another of our mission partners and have teams on the ground to respond immediately, responding to the unfolding situation in Ukraine and the surrounding countries. The teams are setting reception points for refugees on the borders and working in partnership with local churches.

  • Stewardship charity partners: Stewardship has been working hard to help and support their Christian partners who are working on the ground in Ukraine, many with local churches and field workers who are reaching out to those fleeing war and conflict. Click on the their link to find out who the partners are.

  • Youth for Christ: are working in a number of the bordering countries and welcoming refugees to their mission centres, whilst also providing resources and supplies for 11 of their staff working in Ukraine. Staff in Ukraine have chosen to stay to serve youth and families who have been unable to evacuate.

  • YWAM: have a ministry running in Kyiv with staff currently still based there. YWAM are supporting Ukranians with food and supplies and engaging with the relief effort in the region.


  • The Sanctuary Foundation: is a partnership between registered charities, churches and other agencies led by Dr Krish Kandiah. This foundation is a rapid response initiative to find Humanitarian Sponsors from families, individuals, churches, community groups and individuals to sponsor Ukrainian refugees coming to the UK. There are 2 ways you can offer support through this organisation: 1. Pledge sanctuary; 2. Give a gift.

The senior team and the Vestry continue to look at ways we can support the crisis through our emergency appeal fund and would encourage the congregation to look at ways, either individually or in small groups, to offer practical support if you see local organisations looking for help and assistance.
