CAP money course

Thursdays 27 October and 3 November 2022


St Mungo’s Ministry Centre, 46b Bavelaw Road, Balerno, EH14 7AE


Do you feel you have a handle on your finances?

Are you concerned by the rising cost of living?

Are you wondering if the money coming in each month will cover everything?

Would you like to have tools to review your income and expenditure and see if you can make your money go further?

If so, the CAP Money Course is for you! It’s a free course that will teach you budgeting skills and a simple system to successfully manage your money. It’s even been endorsed by Martin Lewis, the Money Saving Expert!

The course runs over two evenings and each night will include refreshments; short videos; presentations and interviews with CAP Money Coaches and round table discussions. Please note the discussions will solely explore the principles of managing our finances. Nobody will be asked to share anything about their own financial situation!

Sign up for the course via Eventbrite below:


Please note that in signing up for the course, in order to get the most out of it, you are committing to watch some videos and complete your own budget sheet before the first evening. As aforementioned, you won’t be asked to share any personal financial information – the budget sheet is simply so you can understand your own finances better and can start to apply the tools to review your situation.

Once you’ve signed up you’ll be sent an email with more information about the evenings.

If you have any questions or want to find out more please contact
