Alpha Livingston

Alpha Livingston | Starts Thursday 20 October


When and Where is Alpha happening? Thursday evenings, 7.30pm, starting 20 October

*That’s less than two weeks away. At Isaac and Ruth's house in Livingston. And you're invited!


What is Alpha? Alpha is great place just to be curious about what life is all about

*Ask questions as we explore the basics of the Christian faith. All in a welcoming, open and friendly environment. It's free and there's no pressure. Everyone's welcome. No matter what your background or beliefs, you're invited. Plus, there will be hot drinks and mouth-watering puddings provided.


Who is Alpha for? Anyone – you and your friends

*If you know someone who is curious about what life is all about, why not invite them to join us at Alpha? Or maybe you are relatively new to faith and still have questions, we'd love to have you join us.


Want to Sign-Up? You can find out more and sign-up at

*You can also get in touch with Isaac if you have any questions. It'd be great to have you with us!

