Summer Evening Service Schedule

We are really excited that over the summer we are holding an evening service every Sunday in our church building, Ladycroft. In her talk a few weeks ago Sarah referred to ‘thin places’ - those spaces where the distance between Heaven and Earth collapses and we experience the presence of God in a powerful way…our church building, Ladycroft, is a ‘thin place’.

It is a wonderful place to worship.

Over the 7 weeks of the summer we are going to be looking at God’s Amazing Grace and we are privileged to have some different speakers from the church family come and share with us.

Here is the outline of the series and the speakers we have lined up:

Sunday 3rd July - God’s Grace - Pete Buchan

Sunday 10th July - Living in God’s Grace - Tara Devlin

Sunday 17th July - The Power of God’s Grace - Nikki Round

Sunday 24th July - Cheap Grace - Derek Thomson

Sunday 31st July - Sharing God’s Grace with Others - Sal Buchan

Sunday 7th August - God’s Grace for our Immediate Future - Geoff Crow

Sunday 14th August - God’s Grace for out Eternal Future - Glen Cormack

Time: 6:30pm -8pm (with doors opening from 6:10pm)

Put these dates in your diary and we look forward to seeing you there :)
