Summer Services

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve shared our service plan for the summer. We are going to be running things differently over the 7 weeks of the school holidays (3rd July to 14th Aug inclusive) for 2 main reasons: 

  • Venues - Balerno High School is not available, as they complete the electrical upgrades

  • Volunteers - We want to give our 0-18 volunteers time over the summer to have a break and be refreshed, but we do not have sufficient volunteers to allow the groups to run with a separate holiday team as we have in the past.

This has given us an exciting opportunity to try something a bit different, and because it is different and isn’t ideal for everyone, we want to give you as much choice as possible about how you attend our services over this time. 

Each Sunday we have 4 services and you are welcome at any/all of them.

The services are as follows: 

  1. 8:45am - Traditional Communion Service in the Church Building, Ladycroft.

    This is a liturgical service with hymns, communion and a talk from our main service speaking team. We are going to be looking at the book of Daniel. Anyone is welcome to come to this service, which will finish at around 9:45am.

  2. 10:30am - Mighty Mungos Church Family Service in the James Watt Centre @ Heriot Watt University.

    This is a shorter service, around 45 minutes, and we are going to be looking at ‘The Armour of God’. The service will be interactive and fast paced.  The service will include worship led by our main service worship team, a short talk with a challenge for the week ahead, testimony time from some adults in the congregation and a church Family Face Off. We have designed this service to have something for everyone and we see this as a great opportunity to come together as the whole family of God . 

  3. 10:30am - Adult Service at St Margaret’s Academy Livingston.

    This service will be the ‘usual’ St Mungo’s 10:30-main service with worship, word and ministry. The talk will be the same as at the 8:45am Balerno service.  There will be no 0-18 provision, but there will be a room available for younger children and their carers.

  4. 6.30pm - Evening Service in the Church Building, Ladycroft.

    This service will have worship, ministry and a talk. The series is going to be ‘God’s Amazing Grace’, will be led by Ollie or Dave, and have a talk from a guest speaker from within the congregation. 

Children are welcome at all the venues, but please note that there will be no 0-18 provision at the 8:45, Livingston or evening services. Our recommendation is that if you are bringing children, then you join us at Heriot Watt for our Mighty Mungo’s Church family service. 

We are choosing to view the fact that we are unable to meet in Balerno High School as an opportunity to try something a bit different and see how it goes. We’re looking forward to it, and are excited by all of the talk themes, the different service styles and the different speakers.

The dates that this program will run is from 3rd July – 14th August (inclusive) 

We can’t wait to see you there! 😊

If you have any questions or clarifications then please ask.  
