Life Center Church, Beirut

Since August 2020, we have been giving a gift of £1,000 to Hayat Ministries in support of Life Center Church in Beirut, every quarter. This is to support the work of Pastor Said Deeb, following the devastating explosion in the Port of Beirut last August.

In spite of extremely difficult and challenging circumstances brought on, not just by the pandemic and the explosion but also a dire economic situation in the region, Life Center Church has been making a significant difference in the lives of the Lebanese people through their youth ministry; healthcare ministry and food box distributions which reaches 600 families in the region. They also open their doors to Syrian refugees who land on their doorstep with nothing.

Pastor Said was recently interviewed on Premier Christian Radio - if you’d like to hear more about the history of Lebanon and the work of Life Center, the interview comes in 2 parts and they are both under 10 mins:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Please do pray for the ongoing challenges in this country as they try to rebuild.
