St Mungo’s at Balerno Gala Day – can you help?

The local Gala has been a major community event in Balerno for over 60 years and the Gala Day is one of Balerno’s biggest annual community events.

Covid meant the Gala Day was cancelled for the past two years but this year it is back! On the afternoon of Saturday 28 May Malleny Park (just behind Balerno High School) will be filled with families coming to enjoy fun stalls, races, rides and refreshments. As a church we won’t be hosting our own Family Fun Day this year but we have a great opportunity to be involved in the Gala Day. We will be hosting and running the ‘activity village’ – an area with lots of fun challenges - as well as a hospitality tent for parents / carers who need a quiet space to feed or change a wee one. And alongside we’ll have a stall where we can tell people all about St Mungo’s and offer leaflets and flyers.

We need you!

It’ll be good fun and it's a wonderful opportunity for us as a church to form a team to serve the local community. Could you……

·       Help with lifting and loading and the practical jobs of setting up and taking down our stall? (Saturday morning or later Saturday afternoon)

·       Run an activity station 

·       Host our hospitality tent for wee ones 

·       Chat with passers-by and tell them about St Mungo’s

We’ll rota people for the Gala afternoon into 2-hour slots (either 12.15-2.15pm or 2.15-4.15pm) so you don’t need to be there for the whole afternoon.

If you can help please contact or respond to the ChurchSuite email which will get sent out next week. And please do pray for the Gala Day – for great connections to be formed between St Mungo’s and people in Balerno; for opportunities to tell people about the church and of course, for fun, safety and good weather!

Andrea Brewster
