Proposed Service Timing Change

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, as a senior team we have been taking some time to consider what, when and how we might meet as a church as we move forward. This morning I want to give you all an update on where our thinking has got to and to invite you to give us your feedback on the proposal.

What we are proposing is what we believe will be the best solution for how we can resume concurrent Balerno and Livingston morning services, but because this is a change which will impact you as the church family, your voice is important, and we are keen to hear it.

We are proposing to adjust the timings of both services by half an hour with Livingston service starting at 10 o'clock and Balerno service starting at 11 o'clock.

The speaker would start the morning in Livingston, be in the service for worship, speak at that service and then leave with the service leader continuing to lead the service in Livingston. The speaker would then arrive in Balerno in time for some of the worship and then deliver the same talk to this congregation.

One of the things which we love about our church is that we are a multi-generational family and so we know that there are multiple ways that this change might impact you – both positively and negatively.

It is important that everyone who wishes to give feedback on these proposals can do so and so here is how we are planning to carry out this consultation:

  • Next Sunday, we will mention it again in the service and launch an online survey which will provide you with the opportunity to write back with your thoughts and feedback. This link will be sent out via our ChurchSuite database.

  • On Tuesday 5th October we will hold a 1 hour zoom call from 2-3pm and again from 8-9pm and then another zoom call on Wednesday 6th October from 8-9pm. On these zoom calls Ollie will share some of his thoughts and vision about why we are proposing this change and then there will be an opportunity to move into breakout rooms to discuss your thoughts with a member of the senior team or a vestry member. As this is a housegroup week, we are asking all housegroups to attend one of these Zoom calls, instead of meeting as a housegroup that week. If you're not currently part of a housegroup, then you're welcome to join whichever Zoom call suits you best. 

  • The senior team will then take the rest of October to reflect on the feedback before coming back to you as a church family in November to let you know whether the proposal will move ahead or if the dialogue has created an alternative solution.

  • Whilst this consultation is taking place in October we will be remaining with our current model of meeting on alternate weeks for the different congregations as currently meeting weekly without making this, or an alternative change, is not possible.

We recognise this is a change to how we do church together, but our hope is that as the preachers travels from one congregation to the next, it provides a moment of unity and connection across the congregations; reminding us that we are still one church. That we are a multigenerational family with a heart to see Kingdom transformation as we Be Love to each other and those in our communities.


David Lyons
