Update on Services

08-08-21 Notices5.png

The below information updates you on what it means for St Mungos as we move 'beyond level 0' and how it impacts plans as we head into the new term.


- Physical distancing is now no longer a legal requirement, however we will have physical distanced seating available for those who wish to use it. This can be booked via the ChurchSuite service email.
- Face coverings are still a legal requirement during services, and it’s especially important to wear these correctly whilst singing. 
- Test and Protect is still an important part of managing outbreaks. We will be asking people to 'check in and out' using the QR codes in the venues.
- Whilst we encourage people to take the Covid vaccine where possible, proof of vaccination status is neither required or requested to attend church services/gatherings.


Please remember that even if you are comfortable with the removal of physical distancing others may not be. Please be gracious to one another and don’t assume everyone feels the same as you do. Always check permission before entering someone else’s personal space and if you feel uncomfortable with how close someone is to you, then it is absolutely ok to ask them to step back. This will almost certainly feel strange for a while, but it’s a way we can Be Love towards one another by respecting each other’s anxieties as we come back together. 

- All physical services in August and September will be held at 10.30 and streamed live to YouTube, replacing our pre-recorded 'Church Online' service. 
- Services will alternate for congregations. On the week when your congregation is not gathering you can watch the live-streamed service on YouTube, which will also include an episode of Mighty Mungos.
- You will not be required to pre-book seats for morning services, however if you require an accessible seat or wish to book a designated physically distanced seat then you can do so via the ChurchSuite service email.

- If you require an accessible seat then these can be booked via the ChurchSuite service email. 
- 0-18 groups will be available at all physical services and Mighty Mungos will also continue on the weeks when your congregation is not gathering.

- The dates for the Balerno congregation are: 22nd August*, 5th September and 19th September and we hope to be in Balerno High School as soon as it is available. 

- The dates for the Livingston congregation are: 29th August, 12th September and 26th September and we hope to be able to meet in St Margaret’s Academy as soon as it is available. 
- Please aim to arrive between 10 and 10.15 to enable the auditorium to be filled safely, for everyone to ‘check in’ using the QR code and allow us to start the live stream promptly at 10.30.

- The services will last for approximately 1hr 15minutes. 

- Prayer Ministry will initially be done by asking people to stand where they are as opposed to come to the front.

- Please only attend the service for your congregation at this time. 

- The 8.45 service will return on Sunday 5th and Sunday 19th September in Ladycroft, and our current plan is that it will run weekly from October.
- There are currently no plans to hold an evening service in August or September.


* Our 1st service for the Balerno congregation is on Sunday 22nd August. Unfortunately due to all the electrical work happening at Balerno High School and the various contractors working in the building we have not been able to access the building as planned and test all the equipment. Therefore we have made the decision that this service will be held at Heriot Watt University. We are disappointed that we still are not able to meet in our usual venue, but thankful that in Heriot Watt we have a wonderful alternative, with rooms available for a full 0-18 programme too. 

- There is provision for all young people aged between 0 and 18 at all physical 10.30 services.
- Pre-booking is not required, but we will take a register on the morning.
- Primary aged programs in both locations will now be called 'Mighty Mungos Live' and run for P1-P7 all together initially. There will be a 6 week teaching series with the same teaching being used online and in-person. 

- All young people in pre-school and Primary groups will need to be dropped off and collected. There is not currentlya ‘self-registration’ option for upper Primary.

- Youth will be out of the service from 10.30 during the Sunday morning services initially. This is to make both the main service and youth run as smoothly as possible as we start back.
- Young people over the age of 12 are still required to wear a face covering on Sunday mornings, but they do not need to physically distance. 
- Youth Friday nights will resume on Friday 20th August in Ladycroft. Pre-booking is no longer required.

- The young adults who attend Pioneers are a vital part of our church family and we are excited about them joining with us in the main service. 

- These groups run in private homes and therefore hosts and leaders will make a decision together on how the group will operate. 

- Where these groups meet in church buildings then leaders will need to speak with David Lyons or Wendy Brown to find out what mitigations are required. 

Please continue to be gracious, patient and encouraging towards your housegroup and prayer cell leaders. They have worked phenomenally hard, often at great personal sacrifice, to keep groups connected over the past year. Whilst some people are keen to return to ‘in person’ meetings, others are more anxious and would prefer to remain on zoom for the time being – it is therefore likely that many groups may decide to run in a hybrid way, with some weeks meeting in person and other weeks on zoom. Whatever the leaders decide the important message is that we are continuing to aim for ‘connection not perfection’. These groups will continue to play a vital role in helping the church family stay united together. 



- MWL is returning! A likely start date is 8.30am on Wednesday 18th August, but this will be confirmed. 

- There will be a variety of different people leading the session and bringing a word. 

- MWL is a way to create connection together during the week, if you’ve never joined then why not tune in?! 




Can we sing in housegroup/prayer cell? 

Technically ‘YES’. However, these groups run in people’s private homes which are often small spaces when compared with a Sunday morning venue. Singing is proven to be one of the higher risk activities for spreading covid and so it may be advisable to take some precautions such as wearing a face covering, singing outside, or deciding to use an alternative form of worship initially with 1 or 2 people singing over the rest of the group. Leaders and hosts will make decision based on how the group feels, and we ask that people support their leaders as they make these decisions. 


I don’t want to be inside with someone who is unvaccinated, can you tell me the vaccination status of people I am near? 

NO. Being vaccinated is not a legal requirement nor a condition of attending a church service or meeting. Whilst we would encourage people to take the opportunity to receive a vaccine when offered, we will not be, nor are we permitted to ask people about their vaccination status. 


Can we hug people at the end of a service? 

Technically ‘YES’ however, not everybody is comfortable being hugged or being in close contact with others. This can be for a multitude of reasons and people’s personal space must be respected. I know that some are excited at the prospect of hugs, high fives and handshakes, but others are incredibly anxious about this. Please check with people before making physical contact and respect their answer and space. 


Can we have cakes, coffees and biscuits at services yet? 

Technically ‘YES’ however the senior team have decided that in order to mitigate the obvious risks associated with sharing space, cakes and drinks for an extended period of time, that we will not be serving refreshments at any of our services for the foreseeable future.


Will we have paper notices? 

NO. We are going to be changing how notices are sent to the congregation. From the 22nd August notices will be emailed to everyone who has ‘opted in’ to receive churchsuite emails on a weekly basis. If you already receive Churchsuite emails then you do not need to do anything, if you are not signed up to Churchsuite emails yet then please contact penny.moise@stmungos.org for details on how to do this. 


Can I bring a guest to church?

YES. We are going to be using a unique Test and Protect QR code to login to venues and so there is no requirement to ‘pre-book’ places. We would love for you to bring along guests! 


Will there be any courses running this term? 

NO. We believe that it is right to really focus on the core rhythms of church life this term as we all adjust to meeting back in person again. This means that we are asking people to prioritise Sunday services, housegroups and prayer cells. 


I’m not in a housegroup or a prayer cell. How do I join? 

If you are interested in joining a houesgroup or prayer cell then please email kate.yates@stmungos.org for more information. 


Will my child/young person need to wear a mask? 

The current legislation states that children under 12 are now exempt from wearing a mask/face covering. Young people in youth will still need to wear a face covering in certain situations – more details on what these circumstances are will be communicated to you by the youth team. 


Will we be able to lay hands on people for prayer ministry? 

Technically ‘YES’. In services we will initially be only asking people to stand where they are to receive prayer ministry in order to reduce the number of people walking past each other. In housegroups and prayer cells, because there is no requirement now to physically distance, provided there is consent given from the person receiving prayer, then you can lay hands on people for prayer ministry.
