Being a Street Guardian

Being a Street Guardian

St Mungo’s has intentionally avoided initiating any special community support initiatives during the Coronavirus for the simple reason that there are already many great programmes “on the go”, and we saw no advantage in duplicating effort, or worse, competing with these for your time and attention.


0-18 Prayer Update

0-18 Prayer Update

A few weeks ago over 40 members of the 0-18 team met on Zoom for an hour of prayer and worship, with the specific desire to pray God’s protection and blessing over all the young people within St Mungo’s Church. We used breakout rooms to share any words and pictures that would help guide our intercession.


Bethany Care Shelter

Bethany Care Shelter

St Mungo’s continues to financially support the Bethany Care shelter (and van) as well as providing teams for both. The Care Shelter provides winter overnight accommodation for the homeless in Edinburgh – and has moved into the Old Waverley Hotel which is closed because of the coronavirus situation.


Update from Adrian and Tara Devlin

Update from Adrian and Tara Devlin

In June 2018 we left Scotland to live in Jamaica for a couple of years, working with Fusion Jamaica, a small charity operating in the inner city community of Trench Town in Kingston. We were there largely to cover for the person leading the project as they took a sabbatical from the work for 2019.


News from Liam Packwood

News from Liam Packwood

Hey St Mungo's community,

I wanted to say a massive thank you for being behind me and supporting my time onboard the Logos Hope. My experience was very enlightening as I was made aware of the extent, and need for the gospel to be shared in the part of the world referred to as the 'least reached'.


0-18 Ministry Update

0-18 Ministry Update

As a 0-18 team we know that maintaining connection and some continuity is incredibly important for children and young people. We have been creatively looking at ways that we can continue to provide a safe environment to help children and young people grow in their faith.


St Mungo's Online

St Mungo's Online

Dear Church Family,

It's been so encouraging to see how you are responding to the challenges presented the coronavirus crisis. Thank you for being family to each other and to those around you.

This update brings exciting news about our plans for this Sunday. Here's a short video message from Malcolm to tell you more.


Coronavirus Contingency Planning

Coronavirus Contingency Planning

As you might expect, St Mungo’s is following closely the global developments and local/national guidance on the coronavirus.

We’ve either developed or are in the process of developing plans which respond to all aspects of church life, ranging from our ability to meet together to the health and safety implications for our most vulnerable members, our volunteers, our staff and our entire church family.


Pastoral care in St Mungo’s

Pastoral care in St Mungo’s

At St Mungo’s pastoral care flows from our vision to be a nurturing church, where we value putting God’s love into practice through caring relationships. The primary source of pastoral care is our house groups. These provide a place for us to care and encourage each other in our faith. We have evening groups for the Livingston congregation, and both daytime and evening groups for Balerno. If you would like to join a house group, please complete a form and return it to a member of staff.


Walking through the valley - journeying in bereavement

Walking through the valley - journeying in bereavement

This is our next ‘Living Well’ event as a church – times when we tackle an everyday issue and explore it as Christians together.

‘Walking through the Valley’ is a day of learning, training, equipping and reflection for those who want to support others well when they are bereaved.

The day will consist of different short seminars interspersed by people from St Mungo’s sharing personal stories and experiences.
