Vision Sunday & AGM Update

Last Sunday was Vision Sunday and our AGM – here’s a brief update on some of what happened. Further information can be found elsewhere on the website. Please listen to the talk if you missed it and collect your free gift at a forthcoming service.

Malcolm delivered his annual Vision Talk and challenged us to be:


From now on you’ll be fishing for people!”

(Luke 5:10)

The AGM included the appointment of Vestry Office Bearers. Tracey Braithwaite and Gill Scott were appointed to the two vacant general membership positions; and Alison Wilson, Steve Denning and Francis Cummings were reappointed as People’s Warden, Lay Rep to the Diocese and Alternate Lay Rep to the Diocese respectively.

Copies of the Vestry Report were issued via email on Thursday 16th January. (Please check your spam/junk folder if you haven’t seen it.)

Paper copies are available at information points or you can download it from here.

Copies of the full Annual Report and Accounts are also available. Please contact Derek Thomson to find out more.

Derek Thomson, Vestry Secretary


To the Beach!

To the Beach!

Next month we are taking our youth “to the beach” for our annual weekend away to Lendrick Muir.

Over the weekend we will be looking at John 21 where Jesus prepares breakfast for the disciples; brings them back together as a community and family together; and the restoration of Peter so that they could go on to greater things in Acts where the gospel is shared and the growth of the church begins.


Alpha - You're invited

Alpha - You're invited

Here at St Mungo’s we believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith and have the space to ask their questions.  The Alpha Course provides this opportunity.  This year we are launching Alpha with a Taster Evening on Thursday 23rdJanuary, 7:30pm in the Church Building, in Balerno.  


Finance Update - Nov 2019

Finance Update - Nov 2019

Last year, our income budget (£990,500) was less than our expenditure budget (£1,035,800).  This was partly because our regular giving had been slowly decreasing over the previous 6 months, so I am delighted to tell you that due to increasing regular giving, and many generous one off gifts, we ended the year with total income of £1,037,200 (5% higher than expected!) – thank you all so much for your generous and faithful giving!


Tearfund's Big Quiz Night

Tearfund's Big Quiz Night

Saturday 16 November, Balerno High School

7.30-9.30pm (doors open 7pm)

For one night only – churches and other groups up and down the country will be taking part in the biggest, multi-venue, nationwide quiz ever ….. even in Balerno!

We had a hugely successful and fun evening last year and to allow space for even more teams in 2019, we’ll host the event in Balerno High School.


Xplorers Camp 2019

Xplorers Camp 2019

How brave are you? 

Would you drink a glass of liquid that may or may not be apple juice? 

Would you flip upside down on a bungee trampoline? 

Would you jump, fully clothed off a jetty into a lake? 

Would you crawl through a waist-deep, acrid bog? 

Would you face monsters and cavemen in the woods? 

Would you do whatever God asked you to do?

That’s what we did earlier this month when forty P5-P7 children headed up to Lendrick Muir for a weekend of fun and discovery with a team of leaders, an abundance of energy and some amazing talents.


Gather Worship Nights

Gather Worship Nights

Recently in our evening services there has been a fresh stirring in our times of extended worship. A hunger to continue to sing out praises to God whilst we enjoy his presence. In response to this we are launching something new. Monthly worship nights called – Gather.


KALEIDOSCOPE is expanding!

KALEIDOSCOPE is expanding!

Relationships. Friendships. Conversations.

It’s what it’s all about. Getting to know people both in and out of church. Sharing our lives and sharing our faith. As adults we can do that in house groups, at the school gate, in the work place. As teenagers it is all online (or so it seems to us adults!) but for children it is physical and tangible. They play and they chat, and they make friends. 

So while as adults we are encouraged to invite friends to the spirit café, alpha, beer and carols… and teenagers invite their peers to baptisms or Friday nights, what do we offer for the younger children?


The Turning

The Turning

I was amazed again by the levels of hunger for God as we went out on the streets of Edinburgh during this year’s Turning Mission.  During a period of only 8 hours we saw 138 people respond to the Good News.  One of the words that kept on coming up this year was linger.  We found people wanting to chat more, ask questions and share some of the issues they were facing in life.  We heard many amazing stories over the 8 days.


ESST Applications Open!

ESST Applications Open!

Applications are open for the Edinburgh School of Supernatural Transformation (ESST), our school of ministry here at St Mungo’s.

This year we are excited to announce we have made some significant changes to the structure of the school to make it more accessible than ever. We are responding to what we feel God is saying by inviting more people from close to home and across the nation to come and step into personal transformation.
