Open Doors say thank you!

Open Doors say thank you!

St Mungo’s gave nearly £25,500 through our Christmas Gift Collection in 2019 to Open Doors for their ongoing work especially in Iraq and Syria. They express their thanks – and have shared many stories of individual lives touched by their work as well as the broader help through the local churches.


Coronavirus response from Tearfund

Coronavirus response from Tearfund

St Mungo’s continues to support Tearfund in prayer and financially.

In April Tearfund was able to take immediate action to help prevent the spread of coronavirus in vulnerable communities. This helped provide 1.3 million people across 34 countries with life-saving assistance such as hygiene education, hand washing facilities and food parcels. Tearfund are deeply grateful for the


The Mighty Mungos Treasure Hunt!

The Mighty Mungos Treasure Hunt!

As a church we want to bless, support and reach out to families during these summer holiday weeks. With thanks to households in Balerno who are displaying clues in their windows, we are hosting the Mighty Mungos Treasure Hunt. It’s a fun, free holiday activity for families with primary aged children and younger.


Report from Just Earth

Report from Just Earth

St Mungo’s supports this work financially and in prayer.

The Directors of Just Earth have been meeting with the Kenyan Executive team every week (via Zoom) since the Covid-19 restrictions have been in force, to pray and keep updated with developments on the ground in Kenya.


Wellness Centre Update

Wellness Centre Update

During this difficult season in our world I suspect all of us will have been experiencing, to one degree or another, some of the following: loss, anxiety, loneliness, sadness, anger and relationship struggles. In the St Mungo’s Wellness Centre we are called to bear one another’s burdens and be good news to our local community - and this is certainly needed today.


Bethany Care Van Update

Bethany Care Van Update

During the coronavirus pandemic, everything has changed for us, but also for some of the most vulnerable people in society. Whilst many services for homeless people have been stepped up including the Care Shelter moving to a hotel, there are still a number of people who for one reason or another cannot access these services and need the help of a service like the Bethany Care Van, which provides food, a hot drink and a daily connection.


Wellness Centre Update

Wellness Centre Update

During this difficult season in our world I suspect all of us will have been experiencing, to one degree or another, some of the following: loss, anxiety, loneliness, sadness, anger and relationship struggles. In the St Mungo’s Wellness Centre we are called to bear one another’s burdens and be good news to our local community - and this is certainly needed today.
