International Day of Prayer

“Persecuted, but not abandoned….”  2 Cor. 4:9

·       1 in 9 Christians worldwide experience high levels of persecution. (this is > 245 million)

·       11 Christians are killed every day.

·       Last year over 2,625 believers were falsely arrested or imprisoned.

·       In 2018 1,266 churches were attacked.

·       “Double persecution” is increasing – every day at least 6 Christian women are abused.

Sunday 17 November is the International Day of Prayer for The Persecuted Church, when we can unite with millions of Christians worldwide to pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith in Christ. The IDOP, overseen by the World Evangelical Alliance, not only helps mobilise us as a church in the West to pray, but also serves as a reminder and encouragement to our persecuted family that they are part of a global family who have not forgotten them.

We invite you to come along on Tuesday 26 November at 7- 9pm at the Ministry Centre, to join specifically in this ‘global wave of prayer’ for our persecuted family. There will be refreshments and snacks on arrival. If you wish to attend, please contact Teresa Martin.  We look forward to hearing from you! There will be situation and country specific updates, with videos and displays to inspire prayer, and opportunity to hear more about specific answers to prayer for individuals too. The evening will be informal with space to pray individually and in groups, using creative media for those who wish to.

Open doors have also created a prayer app called ‘pray for the persecuted’ which offers daily updates. The World Watch List 2019 will give specific information on how to pray for Christians in the top 50 most dangerous countries.

We also have a persecuted church prayer cell which we invite you to join. Tuesdays 7-8pm on non-house group weeks.

Tracy Taylor, Teresa Martin
