Tearfund's Big Quiz Night

Saturday 16 November, Balerno High School

7.30-9.30pm (doors open 7pm)

For one night only – churches and other groups up and down the country will be taking part in the biggest, multi-venue, nationwide quiz ever ….. even in Balerno!

We had a hugely successful and fun evening last year and to allow space for even more teams in 2019, we’ll host the event in Balerno High School.

Tickets cost £7 per person and include soft drinks and light refreshments.

All the typical quiz rounds will test your knowledge (food & drink, stage & screen, geography, music and more) and in the course of the evening we’ll tell everyone about our carol events and the Alpha course starting in January 2020.

It’s a really easy event to invite friends to. You’ll have plenty of time to chat, have fun together and raise some money for Tearfund as well.

Ideally teams are 6-8 people, (although slightly more or less is fine too!) over 18’s only.

Teams should register in advance by contacting quiznight@stmungos.org (Ideally by Thursday 14th Nov)

If you want to be part of a team and would like to be connected with people then get in touch too – we’ll match you with someone.

Looking forward to seeing lots of people on the night!

Andrea Brewster, Ollie Clegg, Phil & Kathy Wild
