St Mungo’s Youth Eswatini Mission Impact Team

Right now we have a youth team in Eswatini (Swaziland) in Potter’s Wheel Church about to embark on a Mission Impact Trip with Challenge Ministries Swaziland. The team comprises of 6 young people and 4 leaders and we want to invite you to pray with us through the course of this week that God will use us powerfully to bring His Kingdom to Eswatini. 

Key Prayer Points:

o     Safe travel

o     Health for the team

o     Good team dynamics

o     Spiritual protection as Eswatini is a very spiritually conflicted country

o     Boldness & courage to step into new things

Here is our schedule if you would like to pray specifically for us each day:

Sunday:           Potter’s Wheel Church, and then home visits in Lavumissa.

Monday:          Lavumissa Pre-school. Mud and Stick house building.

Tuesday:          Work Project at Ngwempisi. Young Adults group at Potter’s Wheel. 

Wednesday:   Womens centre chapel service followed by group activity (dancing and some pampering) Pine Valley feeding program and Bible club.

Thursday:        Pine Valley project. Hospital ministry.

Friday:              Mens Centre Chapel. Hawane Pre-school. Work project in Hawane. Ceilidh @ Potters Wheel.

Saturday:         De-brief breakfast and then travel home.
