Xplorers Camp 2019

How brave are you? 

Would you drink a glass of liquid that may or may not be apple juice? 

Would you flip upside down on a bungee trampoline? 

Would you jump, fully clothed off a jetty into a lake? 

Would you crawl through a waist-deep, acrid bog? 

Would you face monsters and cavemen in the woods? 

Would you do whatever God asked you to do?

That’s what we did earlier this month when forty P5-P7 children headed up to Lendrick Muir for a weekend of fun and discovery with a team of leaders, an abundance of energy and some amazing talents. We thought about what it means to be brave, bold, strong and courageous. We worshipped our unfailing God and we thought about how God helps us to be brave.

Here’s what some of the children said about the weekend.

”It was so awesome I can’t think of the word”

“I never thought I’d do that!”

“That was scary and amazing”

“I really liked the food – especially the sprinkles!”

“Can we book for next year now?”

“Learning about God like that was really fun”

I really want to give thanks to God for all that He was doing. Beforehand we had real worries that a sick bug sweeping through the primary school might follow us up the M90. Lots of you received frantic messages asking for prayer and God’s protection over the weekend was INCREDIBLE.

Several of the children had never been away from home and some were very nervous. Each and every one of them had a brilliant weekend and went home smiling and laughing.

We also had almost 20 campers who do not come to St Mungo’s with us and were able to tell them clearly about how much Jesus loves them. Each of them has now received an invitation to Kaleidoscope and other events. Pray that these friendships can continue to develop with regular events happening through the year.

Caitlin Boddy 0-18 worker (primary)
