Science, Faith and the Meaning of Life
(Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy)
Monday, 8 February 2021 from 19:30 to 21:00
About 18 months ago, we moved the financial reserves of the church, our investments, to a new investment manager – Epworth Investments.
Over the past couple of weeks we’ve shared our service plan for the summer. We are going to be running things differently over the 7 weeks of the school holidays (30 June to 11 Aug inclusive) using the same format as we have over the past couple of years.
Due to the ever growing size of the St Mungo’s Youth, this year saw us run separate camps for our young people with the latest camp happening at the beginning of this month for the S1-S3s.
The local Gala has been a major community event in Balerno for over 60 years and the Gala Day is one of Balerno’s biggest annual community events.
Tearfund’s Rachael Adams shares a prayer exercise we can use to partner with God in the New Year. The New Year symbolises new beginnings. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the year that’s passed and then look ahead with expectation and excitement. But for many of us this doesn’t feel like a new year.
Immanuel: God with Us premiered earlier today, Sunday (13th Dec). You can watch it here and share it, using the link below, with friends, family, colleagues and whoever you believe might be interested.
Lasting between 20 and 25 minutes, viewers will be taken on journey exploring what Christmas is really about and featuring much of what we might expect in a St Mungo’s Carol service, including a performed song, an alpha interview, a gospel talk and some “Vox Pops” all wrapped around the theme that God is with us today and forever.
To share with others, just copy and paste this link into email, text, WhatsApp, Facebook etc
You can also watch it and share it here by directing people to the website.
Vital Connexions is running an online course The Certificate in Counselling (Formerly Strength to Strength) in January 2021. This is the Introductory course which is a pre-requisite and directly feeds into the Diploma in Christian counselling which is starting (hopefully face to face with a potential online option) in September 2021.
Bethany Christian Trust sell good quality Christmas trees to raise money to support their work with the homeless in Edinburgh.
Trees are available to order from – and cost from £35 and can be collected this year from various locations in Edinburgh